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This digital version of Missa Soranus is for SATB Choir, two soloist (baritone and soprano) and organ. The original conductor score for SATB Choir, two soloist and string quintet can be found here.

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Missa Soranus is a Mass in danish written by the composer Pelle Nyhuus in 2023. It premiered at the Sorø International Music Festival on the 7. august 2024.


The composition of the mass ordinary (Ordinarium: Kyrie – Gloria – Credo – Sanctus – Agnus Dei) is one of the eldest musical forms we have in Western Europe. The mass originated in the Catholic Church and was in its origins based on monophony Gregorian chant. In the early fourteenth hundreds (1400s), the first samples of polyphony sees the light of day and at the beginning of the Baroque period polyphony are seen as a permanent element in the original mass genre. The difference between the liturgical mass and the concert mass (also called the “Cantata mass”) became more and more apparent during the eighteenth hundreds (1800s).

Unlike the traditional mass, which original was in Latin, is this mass translated into Danish. It was standing in the spirit of the Reformation and the Protestant Church, that people should be able to understand what the texts was about. This gives even more resonance at our time, in which Latin is an extinct language and where enlightenment is more important than ever. It also makes the mass more accessible to the outside listener. Since the mass is written for a festival based in the beautiful and cultural-historical town of Sorø, it almost went without saying that Ingemann, who is one of Denmarks most famous hymn writers, should of course be included. Ingemann was settled in Sorø in 1822 in connection with his employment at Sorø Academy as lecturer in Danish language and literature. Ingemann lived in Sorø until his death in 1862.

His hymn “Igennem nat og trængsel”, written in 1843, is the foundation of the movement Sequentia. Here the 1st, 3rd, and 4th verses are used, but in a new order selected according to the corresponding movements (see performance notes page VI). In addition, the 1st, 5th, 9th, and 11th verses of the hymn “Lyksalig, lyksalig hver sjæl, som har fred” are used in the movement Sanctus. This is the great solo of the sopranos and here is really a chance to reflect on the text, as the movement is built on a circular of only four chords, as well as the text “Holy, Holy, Holy”.

In this work, Introitus and Extroitus function as a kind of “Overture”, as they consist almost entirely of elements from other movements in the mass. It is also worth noting the reflection of the angels exclamation at the beginning of respectively the Kyrie, (“Do not be afraid. I bring you good news…”)* and the Alleluia (“Do not be afraid. For I know that you are looking for Jesus…”)* Both times sung by the Baritone soloist.

*Modern English Version (MEV)

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Digital vocal score
