As a versatile musician, Pelle is an active organist, pianist, composer, and choir conductor. He has an entrepreneurial mindset and enjoys creating musical projects that provide value to others. One notable example is the Boys Choir Project 2024, for which he composed a new mass in 12 movements and collaborated with an international festival and the string quintet Wiener Kammersymphonie. The project’s primary goal was to foster a sense of value and community among the boys participating. Pelle’s efforts were recognized with an award presented by Thomas Sandberg from the DMF.
Pelle holds a bachelor’s degree in Classical Piano from the Danish National Conservatory in Odense (DK), which he completed in 2024 with top grades. He has also studied composition at MGK Copenhagen/Køge (DK) and organ at the Church Music School in Roskilde (DK). Currently, Pelle is pursuing a master’s degree in Ear Training Didactics at UiT in Tromsø (NO).
In 2023, Pelle released a short 12-movement symphonic orchestral work titled CIRCLE. The orchestral parts were recorded at FAME’s Project (MK) in late 2022, while the piano parts, performed by Pelle himself, were recorded in Odense (DK) in early 2023. The final sound recording was mixed and mastered by Svend Andersen Hjelholt.